[STICKY] Satu Januari Dua Ribu Dua Belas

Its funny when there is major changes in your life, you will be drawn to do something that you have left so long ago.

In my case, I started blogging again. Dan menjadi kawan baik kepada Marlboro Hitam Hijau kembali.

Walhal, ramai orang membuat azam untuk katakan tidak kepada merokok.

I always feel new year resolutions is bullshit. If you want to change something, you should change right there and then. You dont have to wait for new year, or your birthday or whatever.

But this year, my number one resolution is to get over him.

Stupid-typical-angst-and-hormon-driven-female-who-created-a-blog-to-whine you might think. Well, it is partly true. But I think it will be much cooler if I can blog normally like the old days.

This post will be sticky until the day I think I truly over him.

Till then, please be patient with me. An awesome person does not give right away that she/he is awesome :p


Thursday, January 12, 2012

Adakah bahagia itu nanti?

* Broken, Beat & Scarred - Metallica

Baru sudah satu paper. Dua, tiga minggu kebelakangan ini sungguh memeritkan. Assignment, lab report, project report untuk subjek special topic, fyp, dan segala macam pembentangan yang perlu dibentangkan. 

Tapi aku sangat bersyukur mempunyai semua itu untuk menyesakkan otakku dari berfikir tentang dia.

Mungkin kerana itu juga aku tidak mempunyai modal untuk menulis. Tiada hormon emo untuk memberikan aku the drive to write.

 Aku sering bertanya kepada diri sendiri, adakah aku akan menemui bahagia itu satu hari nanti? Dan adakah ianya akan menjadi milik aku?

Keadaan aku sekarang sangat messed up. Aku tak dapat nak move on and at the same time, I do not want to stay either.

Kadang - kadang aku rasa useless je setia and tunggu lama sangat. Tak ada guna.

Bukan sikit kawan - kawan aku pesan yang I am so much better without him. I do aware about that but, I just could not walk away. Maybe the biggest reason is he did not do anything that made me want to walk away. Dia hanya tak menerima aku sebagai girlfriend. Other than that, dia seorang yang sangat baik. 

Dan bukan sekali dua aku dah pernah walk away. Dah banyak kali. Dan setiap kali itu juga both of us sangat heartbroken. And when we got back together again, life seems complete. Cuma tiada ikatan antara kami.

Kalau dia kaki pukul, kaki perempuan or kaki paw memang dah lama aku tinggal

Aku cuba memahami his reasons not to make it official. And his reasons quite valid anyway. For privacy issues, lets say it involves our families and our view of life.

But a girl always need some security. And that is the seed of all of our problems.

Kadang - kadang aku boleh menjadi seorang yang sangat memahami but it usually does not last long. Especially when it involves girls. My insecurity drives him crazy. I know that but I could not help it. I feel so threatened and intimidated with any girls that shows any sign that she is attracted to him. 

And from there things got ugly between us...

* Hurricane - 30 Second to Mars